Radon Mitigation.
Environmental Due Diligence (commercial real estate).
Residential Home Inspection.
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Environmental Consulting in Commercial Real Estate.
If you are buying a commercial property, don't miss the environmental commercial due diligence step prior to closing.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA).
The Phase 1 (One) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of a property or multiple properties, is an investigation into the current and historical use of the property in order to assess the risk for potential for environmentally hazardous conditions that might be present on the property.
As part of the assessment a Historical Records Research is completed on the property which dates back to at least 1940, often times researching the property back to the late 1800's. MEI will review various historical materials in order to identify any historical environmental risk(s) that my be connected to the property itself, from the adjoining properties, or from the surrounding area. Examples of historic research reviewed included city city directory, Sanborn Fire Insurance Map (FIM) information, topographic maps, and aerial photography dating back to the late 1800's or early 1900s.

The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment also includes Regulatory Records Review conducted by the EP. This portion of the assessment will identify regulatory information made available for the subject property, adjacent properties, and surrounding area. The EP will reviews the regulatory findings and assess if a potential environmental risk to the subject property exists.
The aerial photograph below shows a subject property and associated regulatory records available for the subject and adjacent properties and surrounding area. Examples of regulatory information the EP reviews includes hazardous waste and/or petroleum records, spill and cleanup files, leaking petroleum sites, and underground and/or above-ground tank records.

The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment also includes a site inspection (aka Site Reconnaissance) which is an on-site, non-intrusive inspection of the subject property. The purpose of the inspection is to identify any potential environmental risks or liabilities that may be observed on the subject property. Two examples could include evidence of underground tank(s) and petroleum and/or visual evidence of petroleum and/or hazardous chemical staining or mis-use.
From the roadway or property entrance, the EP will also observe the adjacent properties in order to identify any potential environmental risk or liabilities to the subject property. Various photographs collected for site reconnaissance's are shown below.
Various site reconnaissance photographs are presented below and not all of the photographs are considered and environmental risk.

Environmental Consulting in Residential Real Estate and Private Home Owners.
If you live in a single-family home, be sure to test the indoor air for radon content because radon is a cancer causing gas.
Radon is naturally occurring radioactive gas (the natural decay of uranium in soil) which exists in soil. The radon can be a health issue when elevated concentrations of radon are present in the soil underneath the slab or basement of the home. The home will pull the soil-gas into the breathing space through imperfections in the slab / foundation area.
To determine if you have a radon problem, simply test your home. This can be done with a passive Do-It-Yourself test kit purchased online or at Home Depot for under $20 Or a professional radon testing company can test the home using an active test, or Continuous Radon Monitor.
Based on the result of the radon test(s), mitigation (treatment) may be required to reduce the radon levels inside the home. Normally radon mitigation is completed when the average result is 4.0 pCi/L or higher.

Photographs of radon mitigation work.